Acupuncture is a 5000-year-old medical technique based on the concept that our body is powered by an energy system. This energetic system is made up of meridians, conduits of energy that connect our organs and the areas of our bodies internally. This energy, known as Qi (chee), circulates freely through the system in a healthy person. Where there is pain or disease, the Qi is blocked or insufficient.
Acupuncture is how we correct this imbalance. Very thin needles are inserted superficially into the skin at exact locations known as acupoints. These points allow access to the meridians, where adjustments can be made in the flow and quanity of the Qi. Once the imbalance in corrected, the patient finds relief and healing. They will feel happier and calmer, and symptoms of disease may lessen or disappear.
Being in a state of balance also means that you will be moving through your life in a way that unfolds your true path in life, your tao. Acupuncture is a tool for rapid evolution that can be used to enhance one’s connection to the Higher self.
The use of micro- current electrical stimulation is often indicated in cases of pain, or in some other instances like paresthesia, chemotherapy-related nausea, anxiety, and tinnitus.
In the case of pain, needles are first inserted in acu-points in the local area. For other conditions the treatment may vary, with distal points or even points on the ear chosen for treatment.
Small electrodes are hooked to the needles with cords running to a device powered by a 9-volt battery that sends a specific frequency or waveform of micro current through the wires. Positive and negative wires connecting to adjacent needles creates a small electric polarity that causes the movement of electrons through the tissue, stimulating the removal of lactic acid and the byproducts of cellular metabolism from the tissue, speeding up the healing process.
Auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture) makes use of acu-points on the ear that were “discovered” empirically in the 19th century by a French doctor. A micro system of the entire body and especially brain is represented on the ear. These points have been thoroughly mapped with fMRI so now we have very specific locations on the ear to treat organs, parts of the brain, and the musculoskeletal system.
The ear acts like an energetic control panel, aided by its proximity to the brain. Stimulating points with needles or magnets that stay taped to the ear causes changes in the brain. Balancing the energy in underlying brain circuitry causes the corresponding organ or area of the body to return to a state of balance.
There are over 300 acu-points on the ear. To find the exact location of the acu-point, which can differ slightly from person to person, a device to measure the changes in electrical resistance in the surface of the ear is used. Acu-points are energetic wells that have less electrical resistance and can thus be located very precisely with this method.
Treatment can be with needles, or magnetic pellets that are taped on for a period of a few days.
Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine is a tradition going back many thousands of years in the East. In China and Japan herbs are either used as a first defense against illness or in conjunction with a Western medical treatment. Chinese herbs are formulated specifically for you based on your diagnosis to act in synergy with your acupuncture treatment.
Herbs are very powerful. Formulated to match the patient’s individual constitution and health concerns, Chinese herbs are very effective in treating the deeper roots of illness.
Moxibustion involves the burning of dried artemesia vulgaris, known in Western herbology as Mugwort. The smoke from Mugwort has antimicrobial, anti-viral and anti-bacterial actions, and the heat produced from its combustion is used by acupuncturists to increase the energy in specific meridians as indicated by the patient’s diagnosis.
Moxibustion therapy boosts the body’s Wei Qi (defensive energy), which is the basis of the immune system. Burning moxa on acu-points increases the production of red blood cells, white cells and hemoglobin, and warms and increases the motility of blood in the vessels. It animates the chi energy in the meridians.
Moxibustion is used by an acupuncturist to increase immunity, physiological function and/or general metabolism.
Moxibustion can also be used when a person is well, to strengthen health and promote longevity.
Having gained popularity recently, cupping is now an internationally known adjunct therapy. It works by using suction cups placed on the skin in specific locations to move blood and lymph around an injury or systemically throughout the body. Red marks on the skin may be present for days after the treatment.
Cupping is beneficial for anxiety, fatigue, muscle pain, chronic injury or any condition where there is blood stagnation present. As the older blood and toxins are pulled to the surface, contracted muscle tissue softens, increasing the effectiveness of other treatments like acupuncture or massage.
Areas of knots and rigid tissue can be worked using techniques like “walking cupping” where the cups are moved across the surface of the skin. Application of liniments made with medicinal herbs enhances the treatment.
Cupping engages the parasympathetic nervous system, bringing on relaxation and removing feelings of being stuck.
Actonics Sound Therapy
Acutonics© uses weighted tuning forks to treat acupoints and meridians instead of acupuncture, or as an adjunctive therapy. Forks are used in conjunction to create harmonic resonances that have specific energetic effects.
Through research, Acutonics© has been shown to help address a wide range of ailments: Musculoskeletal, neurological, psycho-spiritual, emotional, psychological, gastrointestinal, gynecological, respiratory, and many other chronic and debilitating conditions.